You notice this funny looking board at the back of some of my videos…
My Kanban Board
It really is responsible for the most dramatic productivity change in my life and now thousands of challengers.
Here from my podcast or youtube – this is the workbook you can download we use in the academy
Thanks to Super Coach Taki Moore for the Workbook design (If you are a coach you NEED to get his book)
I had never met a Daytimer, File-O-Fax,Franklin Covey Organiser, Omnifocus, Getting Things Done, Bullet Journal, To Do Ist, Frog Eating, Moleskine, you get the picture, I didn’t like.
I have shelves filled with productivity books. I’d try them all, I LOVE setting up systems, it’s like organisational crack-cocaine. Each one would be the answer and they would never stick. I felt useless and the pile of awesome planners sitting were unused is embarrassingly high (not to mention the dozens of apps.
Turns out I’m just not wired to use a planner (and if the above couple of sentences sounded like you – you are in the same boat)
I had an epiphany when I first read my Kolbe report (You can learn all about Kolbe here.), The vast majority of entrepreneurs will never be able to use a hidden planning system. They need to have stuff visually in front of them. At around the same time I was reading the book Personal Kanban. A system for tracking your own work – visually!
Could this be it – I couldn’t believe it, for the first time I could stick with a system and I’m pretty sure you would not have had access to this site and book without the major change Kanban has made.
I tested this system with 200 challengers and the feedback was universal (accept for the three percent of you who are actually awesome at organisation and follow through)
This series of videos takes you through the process of setting up this ground breaking organisation system designed for people like me who have never been able to get a system to stick.
If you are an addict of productivity systems – started many of them and they just never stick – this is the answer you’ve been waiting for!!
I explain how I use a kanban board in my new book Your First Dollar – grabs free copy right now – don’t worry you’ll stay on the page (it’s pretty sweet actually!!)
Step 1. Fifty Minute Focus Finder
Step 2. The Kanban for Entrepreneurs System
I’ve created a playlist of the videos you need to watch in the system. My advice is to watch each video and do the steps before moving on to the next video.
You can all that info in the tools section of this site.
I’d love to here your experiences using a Kanban Board. It’s been a bit of a miracle for me. Send me an email to [email protected]