It doesn’t matter what sport, what instrument, what hobby.
Think about the absolute legends of that activity, the best of the best and then think about the best coaches, trainers and teachers of the activity you thought of….
If you come up with one let me know. If you are familiar with sports, you know there have been superstars of the game try their hand at coaching – it never works.
You see to be the best of the best, the absolute pinnacle you have gifts (genetic abnormalities) Michael Phelps and his massive feet PLUS double jointed ribs. Jimmy Hendrix had MASSIVE hands.
You can’t coach for that. (MOZART was the son of the best music teacher in Europe)
If you think about the absolute best coaches and trainers on the planet – they were never the best, they are battlers who had to work really hard and often didn’t even make the pro’s.
To continue dangerously with the sports analogy – I’m also not expecting you to coach pro’s in your field, the equivalent of a major football or soccer team.
I’m asking you to coach the equivalent of the under 9 junior soccer team. Which when you think about it amateur parents do amazing things with these teams (who can’t remember their favourite coach or music teacher – Mrs Thompson you were the best!!)
In fact, in this new video and interactive training you can prove this to yourself.
Do yourself a favour and sign up for it now here while it’s still available.