Sydney, Australia
Workshop Length: 2 Days
Price: $197
So, here’s what I’m doing in Sydney…
I’m going to spend 2 days with a small group of people working on the NEW Challenge process. I’ve decided to do the whole Challenge LIVE!!!!
In two days!
Getting in the room with a small group of challengers is the perfect way to kickstart your online business.
Challenge veterans and existing business love coming to apply the techniques to target a new market segment and learn the revolutionary “Winterhaven” email strategy.
The energy is really great in a small group like this.
I’m used to doing this over thirty days from my desk, so it’s nice to really go deep with people and get it done in two days.
This is the whole NEW challenge process – Instead of doing it in 30 days we will do it in two – with me there to make sure you don’t get stuck!!
It’s Saturday and Sunday, March 18, 19 in Sydney – we’re just confirming a great location.
It will be the perfect environment for really focusing on DOING THIS THING!!!
It would be cool if you could come.